Quality and
Mangement Systems

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In order to grow and improve business results through a process approach, while preserving environmental performance, the Beohemija company has certified for internationally recognized standards: ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems (QMS) & ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems (EMS).

The Quality and Environment Policy includes the principles of the process model of quality management and environmental protection.

The Declaration of Leadership and Commitment is a statement by the top management about the importance and full support of the implementation of the quality management system and environmental protection in the company's overall operations.

The Integrated Management System for the quality of business and the environment is based on:

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Planning of activities, evaluation of achieved results, changes and improvements.

A conscious and responsible attitude towards natural resources and preservation of their performance.

Compliance with legal regulations and regular monitoring of relevant parameters.

Orientation towards the users of our products and their requirements for ecological products.

Planned verification of compliance of product quality with projected values.

Introducing new technical and technological solutions that save energy and natural resources.

The use of biodegradable raw materials and recyclable packaging materials.

Reliable business partners with whom we share the principles of sustainable development.

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Quality and Environmental Management Systems

Regular analysis of the achieved results of business management and environmental preservation processes leads to their improvements and makes the company quickly adapt to constant changes in the environment and new, ecological demands of consumers.

In the coming period, we're planning the certification fo new standards IFS-HPC so called Private Label standard.

The IFS-HPC standard (International Feature Standard- Household Products and Cosmetics) arouse from the need of large European retail chains which have their own brands, to provide additional guarantees on quality to consumers through extremely high product safety requirements and production conditions - from the design of the product to its use in households.

By applying this standard, Beohemija will raise the level of all processes and products to the specific requirements of large retail chains such as Delhaize, Metro Cash & Carry, Lidl and others.
