Meeting the specific needs of the market, Beohemija has established itself as an important partner of retail chains regarding private brands.

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Regional Leader

Our company can analyse the most important products that participate in a particular market, and our experts can create a complete product with all the characteristics required by local consumers.

We established successful production of private brands in 2006, when PL products first appeared on the Serbian market. After initial success, Beohemija has become the manufacturer of private brands for almost all the major retail chains in the Adria region.


And wide assortment

Top quality
and wide assortment

Our portfolio of private brands includes the most important types of household cleaning products, such as washing detergents, fabric softeners, hand dishwashing liquids, glass and large floor cleaners.

All of our private brand products are produced from the finest ingredients that are also used for Beohemija brands, with customizations, for lower customer costs, through optimized formulations.

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Three directions for cooperation

Fully finished

Whether originating from our original ideas or inspired by a specific competition in a specific market – where Beohemija provides recipe, packaging with our design (if requested), and the product is assembled at our own plants;

Partly finished

Our recipe, client’s packaging and design, with production taking place at our own plants;

Fully client-specific

Recipe and packaging provided by the client, while the assembly takes place in our plants.

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